This is a really magical Victorian Camp that was actually built as a duplex "back in the day". It is two identical three bedroom , two story units under one Victorian roof. Built around 1902, it is located just north of The Basin Harbor Club on the shores of Lake Champlain. Follow the link to Basin Harbor Club to get more information about it. The neet thing is the Basin Harbor Club is actually open to the public and local folks get a Seasonal Social Membership that costs around $700 a year. It entitles you to the use of the waterfront beach and swim area, tennis courts, swimming pool and general use of the 700 acre resort. For an extra fee, there is an 18 hole Golf Course and motorized water sports. For the aviators out there, the have a nicely maintained grass airstrip.
Getting back to the " cottage", this is a great opportunity to establish a family, extended family or friend and family lake shore compound. This building lends itself perfectly to shared, multi-ownership, or timeshare style ownership. It has two spacious units with third floor expansion possibilities. The front of the building has a full length old fashioned porch big enough for a barn dance. The gently sloping lawn wend at the top of a field stone retainer with built in stone steps down to the real sand beach; Not pea stone, or shale or slab of ledge, but a real sand beach. The concrete dock extends out from the beach into deep water with a swim ladder built into the end. This whole package is situated in a protected cove with great mooring spots and huge views to of the Adirondack Mountains just across the lake. It truly does not get any better than this.
So check this out, call your friends and get together a group of six people or so and give me a call. With two units, six families could each enjoy a month on the lake in one of the signature lake shore properties in Ferrisburg, VT for a little more than $200,000 each.
Check in again soon where I will feature another truly unusual Vermont property.