Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Buying an Old Vermont Home: Truth 2

Truth #2: Older Homes Tend to be close to the road: It is rare to find an old vintage home that is not located within a close proximity to the edge of the road upon which it is located. The reason for this, if you think about it, is that back when many of these homes where built, let’s say 1850 or earlier, the fastest thing that was going to pass by was a horse at a full gallop. Cars, traffic, tractor trailer trucks and road noise had not been invented yet and neither had the snow plow. How convenient would it have been to build your brand new 1800th century farm house a mile and a half from the town road only to have to navigate your way to the road without the assistance of modern conveniences every time you had to leave the farm? There are occasions when you Can find older homes that are now “off the beaten path” due to historic changes in traffic patterns but on the average, if you want an older home be prepared before you pull up for the first visit to deal with it’s proximity the road. Often the perception is worse than the reality, especially in the case of older brick or stone homes. These structures seem to wear the road noise well and except in warm summer months with the windows open, can be remarkably quiet in spite of their location. Whatever you do , do not discount a home due to it’s perceived proximity to what you have decided is a busy road, go see it and spend some time there before passing judgment. Go at different times of the day and weekends as well as week days. It would be a shame to pass up a classic charmer only because of the road, without at least giving it some serious consideration.

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